Re: syslog idea

David Kovar (kovar@NDA.COM)
Fri, 7 Oct 1994 01:46:01 -0400 (EDT)

> This brought to mind the idea of a "syslog monitor", or a process that would
> just hang out someplace and stat the various log files periodically,
> using some mechanism to warn of excessive size, mysterious shrinkage, and
> maybe some other warning signs.

  There is a package called 'watcher' around that I've been using on and off
for years. You can feed it the output of various programs and it will
compare the current snapshot against the previous snapshot and let you
know if any part of it has changed by a defined percentage, is over a
preset amount, etc. It is pretty easy to configure and set up.

  We run it on a firewall to look for new processes, processes that have
been running for two long, large changes in disk use,a nd some other
odds and ends.

  You could run it against the output from 'ls -l /var/log/syslog' and
do exactly what you're looking for.
